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  Personal development seminars  

Yes, It's Me
A guided search into the area of personal identity and significance


“Where do I fit in this world? Who am I really?” These are questions we all ask ourselves. In fact, the search to understand who we really are is all too common. Instead of seeking to find out who we really are, we spend a considerable amount of time, trying to understand how others define us.In hopes of gaining acceptance and avoiding rejection, we compensate for our poor self-image and self-worth by continuously trying to cover up our shortcomings and insecurities.We are born originals but we die copies struggling to perform in order to prove our importance.


In this seminar, we will look at how to stop the madness, how to let go of this belief that we must be validated and valued by others and have the courage to get to know and accept who we really are and who we are not.

Don't Let Your Past Catch Up to Your Future
Don’t let struggles and bondages of your past  keep you from building your future


Preoccupation with past failures hinders our progress and growth and holds our future hostage. Most often, we are tempted to return to the painful moments of the past and this is can be a major barrier to embracing the future.  


In this seminar, our approach to deal with our past … is by choosing to focus on our future. We will see how the choices we make are based on the influences of our selfishness, public opinion or our fundamental belief system. Whatever is influencing us will dominate our thoughts, perceptions, and outlook and steer our focus. So why spend precious moments meditating on something we can’t change... but instead charge ahead and begin to create our future. Besides, the future doesn’t depend on the past or the present, but on reaction and response to what it holds.

If Only I Knew
Avoiding the Maze of Deception

Sometimes it feels as though deception is all around us; as though we are being taken advantage of or manipulated in some way or another. Deception is sort of like a maze, designed to conquer us in stages by infiltrating our thoughts, and penetrating our subconscious mind. Deception is a deliberate misrepresentation of the truth in order to further one’s own agenda. And the risk of getting tangled in this maze is somewhat inevitable when we neglect to thoroughly investigate what others claim to be true.  


In this seminar, we will analyze how to look beyond other people's statements so we can discover whether there is a hidden agenda, and how to avoid the deceit.

What's My Problem
Getting to the root of repeated failures

No one plans to fail. Yet, failure happens all the time and we all experience it. Our lives are designed for success, but in order to be successful, we must learn how to deal with failure.  


In this seminar, we will first learn how to deal with failure and the fear of failure, as well as understand the difference between failing in attempts and being a failure. After we become aware that failure is sometimes just a necessary step to success, we will look at why we fail. Failure may occur when: we are limited in knowledge or have broken focus; we are discouraged, which drains us of our courage and confidence; we are self absorbed and egocentric, causing us to focus on ourselves instead of the final result. Consequently, all of these will lead us to quit before we reach our goals.

I'm Strong In My Weakness
Recognize your weaknesses, but excel with your strengths!

Every single problem in life can be traced back to a weakness - something that we struggle with. From childhood we are taught that weaknesses will diminish our personal value and the only solution is to work on improving them. This may seem right, but when we work hard to fix a weakness, we will only become average in that area without ever excelling in it. This is why, attempting to improve our weakness will make us doubt success and fear failure. On the other hand, a strength is something that comes easily. Therefore, when we put effort into developing our strengths, we will excel in that area and ultimately ensure our success and personal freedom.


In this seminar we will learn how to balance between managing our weaknesses and building on our strengths. Choosing what to focus on, the former or the latter, will establish our life style; a life style in an area of weakness or in an area of strength.

I Can't Believe You Just Said That
Avoid being caught in the trap of offense

Offense is a trap, and it is poison, bringing us down and hindering progress in our life. It is dangerous because it spreads like a toxic substance and it keeps us from building strong, long lasting relationships with others. When we are offended, we become infected with hurt, anger, envy, resentment, strive, bitterness and division. Our instincts may tell us that being offended will punish the offender, but the truth is, we end up punishing ourselves. In our efforts to construct walls that keep others out, we develop negative thoughts about others, we become self absorbed and resentful, we have erroneous perceptions and we become judgmental. Eventually those walls become our own prison cell.


In this seminar we will examine the causes of offense and how to eliminate it’s consequences in our lives, how un-forgiveness builds strong bondages and keeps us in a constant victim state, and the importance of forgiveness, which, by the way, is an open door to true freedom.

It's (not) Your Fault
Squash the victim mentality and the fear of rejection!

In our society we reject people based on stereotypes and preconceived ideas. And as humans, being rejected based on a perceived lack of special qualities is one of the worst things to experience in life. Hence, the feeling of rejection develops and makes us feel excluded, cast aside, unworthy, worthless, and irrelevant. Sooner or later, we end up developing a victim mentality where we start blaming others which eventually results in missed opportunities of creating a better future. Unfortunately, most often in order to avoid that dreadful place of rejection we simply give up and settle for mediocrity.


In this seminar, we will focus on how to kill the victim mentality and how to handle this process that requires the ability to deal with rejection without being damaged in the process.

Driving Without A Map and Getting No Place Soon
Understanding the importance and power of Vision

There is an old common sense saying attributed to the famous baseball player Yogi Berra, that says: If you don't know where you are going, you won't know when you get there. As our entire lives should be purpose driven, this purpose can not be fulfilled unless we have a clear image of our destination point. This image represents the vision for our life. Lack of vision is one of the biggest problems of the modern day society, and we see it at all levels of society, ranging from top politicians to business leaders to communities and individuals.Having your own personal vision for your life is important because it will allow you to advance even when there is no collective vision that you can become part of.


In this seminar, we will first focus on understanding the importance of a vision and discover why great visionaries lived powerful lives. We will also look at the key components of a vision and what is required to make them a reality while analyzing the common barriers you may find along your journey and how to overcome them.

Drop Your Career, Grab Your Destiny
Principles of productivity, the power of positive passion, and shifting from a job mentality to a productive work mindset

"Get an education and develop a career consisting of well paid jobs with benefits," is what we hear most in today’s society. While there's nothing wrong with a well paid job with benefits, most of us end up stuck in positions that are a misfit or in jobs that we hate, where making a living is our only motivation. In this seminar, we will analyze:

  • The difference between an ”I have a job” mentality, where we operate in a just-enough-to-get-by mode motivated by our ever increasing necessities of life, and an “I am working” mentality, where we deploy our creativity and passion in the things we do;
  • How the environment of the workplace affects us, especially when the environment imprisons us with exaggerated focus on procedures and routines that suffocate our own creativity and limits our skills development;
  • Productive work from the perspective of fulfillment of our life’s purpose, given by the gifts residing in us, rather than something that keeps us busy to bring in some money;
  • The importance of passion in our lives, looking at the difference between true passion and temporary excitement, something that passion can easily be mistaken for;
  • The four principles of productivity: fruitfulness - turning ideas, talents, and abilities into reality; multiplication - moving beyond our original ideas and expanding them to a higher level and increasing their value; renewal - recreating things, filling vacancies, adding new supply, and putting things into areas where there was nothing; influence - leading in certain areas of life and having the power to permanently affect and change things in our environment.

Gettng from where you are to where you want to be

© 2018 by Mastering The Human Experience

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